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Bulk Organic Black Dirt per cubic yard

In Stock: 50

Date Added: Thursday 21 September, 2017

Weight: 1500lbs

Price: $49.99
Min:  0.5 Units:  0.5
Max: 8
. One bulk item per delivery charge. Black dirt comes from the lower layers of peat bogs and is made up of decomposed plants and essential nutrients. Heavy clay soils can be loosened, or sandy light soils can be stiffened by adding black dirt. It also holds water well, reducing your need to water. Our black dirt is screened and aerated so that large clods, sticks, clay balls, debris and rocks have been removed. It is very consistent in texture ... more info
Bulk Playsoft™ Mulch per cubic yard

In Stock: 358.5

Date Added: Wednesday 06 September, 2017

Model: playsoft.mulch
Weight: 700lbs

Price: $33.60
Min:  0.5 Units:  0.5
Max: 25
One bulk item per delivery charge. Playsoft™ Mulch is a wood fiber mulch specifically designed from playgrounds, dog runs and running paths. Long lasting, clean environmentally safe and economical. Since computer monitors and color perception will differ, all photographs should be considered as representative portrayals only. Stone/Mulch is a natural product and varies in color, texture, and size depending on installation methods. Before ... more info
Bulk Premium Hardwood Mulch per cubic yard

In Stock: 211.5

Date Added: Tuesday 29 August, 2017

Model: bulk.premium.hardwood.mulch
Weight: 700lbs

Price: $33.60
Min:  0.5 Units:  0.5
Max: 25
One bulk item per delivery charge. The rich dark color of our processed Premium Hardwood Bark is from sawmills in southern Indiana. The aged mulch has been stock-piled through the winter and turned regularly for even composting. The bark is ready for processing when your order is placed. Since computer monitors and color perception will differ, all photographs should be considered as representative portrayals only. Stone/Mulch is a natural ... more info
Bulk Topsoil per cubic yard

In Stock: 40

Date Added: Wednesday 20 September, 2017

Model: bulk.topsoil
Weight: 2200lbs

Min:  0.5
Max: 4
Topsoil is for pick up only. One bulk item per delivery charge, please call with questions. Our premium brown top soil is screened and pulverized, making it easy to work with. Top soil should be your first choice for sewing grass seed, filling in low spots in your lawn and using near the house foundation as backfill. We deliver topsoil in increments of 1-4 cubic yards. If you need more, we have our contractor deliver increments of 7-15 cubic ... more info
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